
What is Liquid Haskell?

Liquid Haskell:

  • separate program (not part of GHC),
  • parses Haskell + annotations (look like Haskell comments),
  • checks program + annotations (via an external SMT solver),
  • reports success or error.

If Liquid Haskell succeeds, the program is compiled normally.

More precise types

The primary goal of Liquid Haskell is to add more precise types to a Haskell program, so that you can e.g.:

  • prove pre- and postconditions of functions,
  • establish invariants,
  • prove properties of your program.

An extension of Haskell

If a program is erroneous in Haskell, it is wrong in Liquid Haskell as well:

i1 :: Int i1 = 3 -- try to replace with something that is not an Int

Refinement types

We can use set comprehension notation to refine a Haskell type signature for Liquid Haskell:

{-@ i2 :: { i : Int | i >= 3 } @-} i2 :: Int i2 = 4 {-@ i3 :: { i : Int | i >= 3 } @-} i3 :: Int i3 = 2 -- fixme

Remember, Haskell will still see the program without the extra annotations, so in general you need two type signatures.

Type synonyms

We can define abbreviations in for Liquid Haskell in much the same way that we can do in Haskell:

{-@ type GT3 = { i : Int | i >= 3 } @-} {-@ type GT N = { i : Int | i >= N } @-} {-@ i4 :: GT3 @-} i4 :: Int i4 = 4 {-@ i5 :: GT 3 @-} i5 :: Int i5 = 3

The type parameter must be a capital letter here! (Lower-case letters for "Haskell" type variables, upper-case letters for Liquid Haskell expressions.)

The Liquid Haskell Prelude defines (among other things) a convenient synonym for natural numbers.

{-@ type Nat = { i : Int | i >= 0 } @-}

Refinement types must refine

{-@ i6 :: { i : Int | i == 6 } @-} i6 :: Int -- try to replace with Integer i6 = 6

One expression, many types

-- {-@ i7 :: { i : Int | i == 6 } @-} -- {-@ i7 :: { i : Int | i >= 0 } @-} -- {-@ i7 :: { i : Int | i <= 10 } @-} -- {-@ i7 :: { i : Int | i >= 0 && i <= 10 } @-} -- {-@ i7 :: Int @-} i7 :: Int i7 = 6

All of these work (but we have to choose one).

Refinement types and functions

{-@ i8 :: { i : Int | i == 3 } @-} i8 :: Int i8 = 1 + 2

What is the type of (+)?

{-@ plus :: a : Int -> b : Int -> { i : Int | i == a + b } @-} plus :: Int -> Int -> Int plus = (+) {-@ i9 :: { i : Int | i == 3 } @-} i9 :: Int i9 = plus 1 2

The type of plus is a dependent function type.

Note: We can only use what we have established in the types. If we remove the Liquid type signature for plus, then i9 will no longer typecheck.

Preconditions vs. postconditions

A precondition restricts how or when we can call a function.

{-@ pre :: i : Nat -> { j : Int | j >= 2 * i } -> Int @-} pre :: Int -> Int -> Int pre i j = j - i - i

A postcondition establishes knowledge that can be used by the system.

{-@ post :: i : Int -> { j : Int | j >= 3 * i } @-} post :: Int -> Int post i = 3 * i

If we compose function calls, Liquid Haskell will check if the knowledge established by the postconditions implies the necessary preconditions (by asking an SMT solver).

{-@ combine :: Nat -> Int @-} combine :: Int -> Int combine i = pre i (post i)

Once again, we can only work with what we have established via the types. E.g., changing the type of combine to Nat -> Nat does not work without adapting the type of pre as well.

Integer arithmetic

SMT solvers are relatively good at dealing with integers. Because Liquid Haskell relies on an SMT solver to do all the hard work, we get to benefit from that:

{-@ double :: x : Int -> { i : Int | i == 2 * x } @-} double :: Int -> Int double x = x + x
{-@ dist :: x : Int -> y : Int -> z : Int -> { i : Int | i == x * z + y * z } @-} dist :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int dist x y z = (x + y) * z


  1. Can you give a refined type to abs?
abs :: Int -> Int abs x | x < 0 = - x | otherwise = x
  1. Can you fix the type signature for sub so that it implements subtraction restricted to (suitable) natural numbers?
{-@ sub :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat @-} sub :: Int -> Int -> Int sub i j = i - j
  1. Can you add a type signature to halve that captures that the sum of the two components of the resulting tuple is the equal to the function argument? (Hint: you can use fst and snd in the refinement to access the components of the pair.)
halve :: Int -> (Int, Int) halve i = (j, j + r) where j = i `div` 2 r = i `mod` 2